Busto in Poker


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What does it mean when someone goes busto in poker?

Going busto in poker means that you have lost your whole bankroll. Your poker bankroll is also their life bankroll for many poker players, so going busto in poker will definitely be a tragedy for most poker players. For the rest of their lives, a smart poker player would have a poker bankroll and a bankroll to cover living expenses, etc. Additionally, if they have a poor run of things, a player with proper bankroll management skills will step down in stakes. If things go badly, many poker players, especially those from the old school will simply keep playing at the same stakes, hoping to turn their luck around.

As a result, over the course of their careers, several of the old school players have gone busto in poker many times, while younger online players seem to do a better bankroll management job and rarely go busto in poker. There are some very well-known players who have not only gone busto in poker several times over the course of their career, but also owe very large chunks of money to other poker players. Debts in the poker world are a very big problem. This is the bad side of the world of poker that is not always spoken about. One of the easiest ways to stop going busto in poker is to exercise good bankroll management. In addition, another perfect way to keep your bankroll intact is to have another source of revenue, such as a job or work on the side.

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How can you not go busto in poker?

Some ways to not go busto in poker are-

· Never sit down with less money than 75 to 100 times the Big Blind amount at the table. This gives you as a player, a fair opportunity to rebound from in-session slumps and periods when you don't get enough good cards to play, and it also maximizes the chance to win higher pots when the big hand arrives.

· Never commit more than 5% at one table, 10% of your total bankroll. This means that you have between 20 buy ins (5 percent) and 10 buy ins (10 percent) at any time, so before going busto in poker, you will have to have consistent losing sessions, which is far less likely. If you want to be super conservative, some professional players use 2 percent as their rule of bankroll management to minimize this even further.

Going busto in poker is one of the worst things that can happen to you as a poker player. Following these tips is one of the best ways to not go busto in poker.

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With this you know all about poker busto and how bad it is. Download the GetMega Poker app and play poker with your friends now!

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